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Add A Coaching Event

Generate more interest in your upcoming coaching events. Start building relationships between you and your potential clients & get more signups!

Promote Your Event:

Listing Owners! Add your Coaching Event to our directory for FREE!

Nothing complicated here. If you have a coaching event that you would like to promote, list it in our directory! It’s completely free for our listing owners and you can get it online within minutes. Easy!

Free Event Listing
Yes it's FREE and always will be
  • Events are listed in upcoming order
  • List in all relevant coaching event categories
  • Searchable by categories, date, features, & location
  • Event description, host contact details, map + directions, price & booking link
  • Direct Message (communicate with users via your dashboard)
  • Lead Form (users can email you directly)
  • Image Gallery and Video
  • Link your business listing (as event host) to further promote your business
  • Sponsored ads and related events will be displayed within your event page
happy man laptop with coffee
coach connect australia
The Nitty Gritty:

– This is not a standalone service, you must have a business listing with us to be able to submit events to our site.

– All event submissions are still subject to admin approval in accordance with our T&C’s and content standards.

How do we offer so much for free?

Coach Connect Australia aims to be the ultimate resource for those seeking professional coaching.

We keep costs low by managing the site in-house, thanks to our founder’s web development expertise.

Plus, we generate revenue through Google Adsense and other promotions.

These strategies allow us to provide accessible advertising options, whilst still being able to deliver bucketloads of value!

coach connect australia

Ready to List Your Event?

Submit details for your event below. All events require admin approval before publication. You will be notified via email within 1-3 business days.

The Process

Step 1:
Log in
You must be logged in to complete the following form so we can link your event with your business listing (and to prevent spammy submissions!).
Step 2:
Complete form
The submission form is mobile responsive, but as it is quite comprehensive, we recommend that you complete it on a laptop or desktop.
Step 3:
Event Approval
We manually check all events to ensure they meet our terms. You will receive an automated email as soon as it has been published. Or, we'll get in touch with you if there are questions.
Step 4:
Managing your Event
Once published you can manage any future edits (updating the description, photos etc.) yourself via your personal dashboard.

You must be logged in to complete this form so we can link your event to your account. Sign in or Register here.